Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 3 of Shinmas

Today we have a great post from one of my favorite blogs - Scrumptious Gruel. I happened upon the blog about five months ago over the summer and saw a super easy English pudding that didn't need to be baked. I loved the author's pictures and although I used way too much sauce for my own ( which was still delicious and quite healthy), I tried a few other recipes out her vegetarian (with vegan attributes) blog. One thing that really piqued my interest was her hilarious sense of humor. Presenting Ellen of Scrumptious Gruel!

In the picture above she has utilized agar-agar to replicate several different versions of American Jello's and puddings. The lovely mulberries are very beautiful in the way they are suspended, and I think I might start making pandan and mochi "puddings" with her recipe. She's imaginative and full of kindness - her blog is most definitely something I could read everyday and I think the rest of you would really enjoy, whether vegetarian, vegan or far from either.
Another thing that interested me as of late (besides her obvious friendliness and love for trying new things) has been this very lovely pumpkin soup. It has been adapted from a different recipe, made vegan and has a bit of spice for those cold nights.




  1. Thank you for including me in your blog! I just made some more of those agar blackberry not-jello molds...and I believe it was you who brought it to my attention that I was not giving them enough time to set up in the fridge. Thanks for the tip:)
    Happy Shinmas!

    1. And thank you very much for participating in Shinmas! ^^ It is much appreciated having you as a guest - hope you have a great week and a great "holiday"!

  2. That pumpkin Soup looks very intriguing! I've cooked pumpkin all kinds of ways this fall, but I haven't tried pumpkin soup.

    1. Its been a while since I've seen one of your great comments, Christin! ^^ I hope you try it soon!

  3. I love Ellen's recipes and am so excited to see you featuring her on your site! Now off to go play with some agar-agar :)

    1. I'd say that's a great idea! Thank you for commenting, Sabrina! ^^


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