Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Make A Finn Sandwich (Adventure Time Tutorial)

This is a very simple and quick way to jazz up your sandwich for the fourth season of Adventure Time! Great for picnics, snack breaks after rescuing princesses or just to enjoy on your own!

 The first step is bread - what's a sandwich without bread? A not-wich it is! And Jake would have nothing to do with it - make sure that your bread is sturdy enough to handle any cutting or slicing but soft enough to imprint on. You can put everything in your sandwich now and cut with it or add your stuff later.

Use a cookie cutter or jar top to lightly press a circle or an oval (pinch the top sides lightly) shape into the bread. Make sure to have both pieces of bread together so that they kind of suction together enough for cutting.

Next, lightly place your top back on and use a knife to cut off the crusts. Use a pair of scissors to snip his hat ears carefully

Add some raisins, natural food dye or nori to your sandwich for his eyes and mouth then use cheese, parsnips or radishes for the teeth. Add your fillings and then enjoy!

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