Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Princess Bubblegum Sushi Tutorial (Adventure Time)

I was going to make some "Tree Trunks Apple Crepes" today but my crepes didn't turn out as I liked them so I'll probably revise the recipe soon. I woke up early today and decided to use up the last of my white rice and my cooked brown rice in my favorite shapable food - sushi. I hope that you like it - and so I've included a tutorial for it. What would you like to see next from me?

Step 1. Have two tones of WARM rice - one a light pink/purple and the other a bright red, orange or hot pink. You can alternate if you wish but otherwise it wouldn't be Princess Bubblegum.

Step 2. Flatten your darker rice down and use a rubber spatula to make it more rectangular. Make sure that it is even.

Step 3. Make your lighter rice into a cylinder shape as best as you possibly can and place in the middle of the dark rice.

Step 4. Roll half of your dark rice over (make sure that its all still warm) using the plastic wrap and squeeze tightly but gently. Pinch and squeeze the sides together as much as possible so that they form together and pinch to make the hair a bit (however you like).

Step 5. Make sure that your sushi rice colors align together correctly, wet your knife and wipe on a paper towel. Slice your sushi thickly to keep it from falling apart, repeat the wetting and continue. Then you can make the crown. 

How To Make A Crown

Step 1. Start out with a nice yellow mini pepper or large yellow paper and ensure that there are no spots. 

Step 2. Cut your pepper in half lengthwise and (if you wish) you can remove the ribs and seeds.

Step 3. Cut a triangle from one of the pepper slices, cut two triangles from that and carefully carve two little circles into the side for roundness. Try to cut a circular knotch for her gem on top, add a radish slice to the top and then place on top of your sushi.

Decorate your sushi as you like, serve with tempura and enjoy!


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