Sunday, February 26, 2012

How To Make Cheese Characters (Tutorial) The Lorax

Cutout drawing, cheese, knife, toasted nori, whole puncher and tweezers are needed.

Lie your picture onto main cheese color and slowly "chop" around the picture.

Cut mustache and eyebrows off from picture and trace onto white cheese then cut out eyes, nose and mouth with straw. Use tweezers to place them onto the character and then punch out three circles, snip one in half and put them in their respective places.

You can do this with any character - but just remember that you need to toast your own nori over the stove (no matter what it says) and it should be placed on later so that it won't become soggy. Using your cheese as a base is what keeps this all together - but feel free to experiment and enjoy!


  1. How cute! I'll have to do this for my nieces.

  2. This is cute, but I am curious. Is that vegan cheese? Since your blog is called 'Shins Vegan Loving' I was confused to see a tutorial about cheese.

    1. Its most definitely vegan cheese! ^^ At the bottom I mentioned that its tofutti soy cheese - sorry for the confusion, MewlKitten!

  3. Great tutorial. And this s the first time I know there's vegan cheese, interesting. :)

  4. How clever! You are very skilled with the knife indeed!

    1. Aaw, thanks Sheri! ^^ I've never been given that compliment before!


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