Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hina Matsuri/Girl's Day Bento

This is more of a bento-bowl lunch and less of a bento box lunch, but I feel like this makes it look better with a "higher" stature for the emporess. This has got to be one of the tastiest bentos ever with all of the house's favorites - peppers, brown (and white!) rice, totally homemade inarizushi, a vegan egg and lots of other delicious stuff! I also plan on making some mochi or pancakes later and maybe some other stuff - so feel free to surf and look at what I did for the other holidays!

Hinamatsuri Bento Ingredients:
Yellow Bell Peppers (in Inarizushi)
Vegan Egg
Steamed Lotus Root
Tomato Obi/Belt
Green Onion
Julienned Carrots
Blanched Snow Peas
Brown + White Rice
Tomato Furikake
Rice Wine and Rice Vinegar

And since most people don't provide recipes for inarizushi (its very simple but most use canned or already prepared aburaage) - here you go!

Aburaage/Inarizushi Recipe:
1/4 of A Package of Extra-Firm Tofu
1 to 2 tbl of Neutral Oil
Mirin, Rice Vinegar and Soy Sauce
Raw Sugar (optional)
1 to 2 cups of Boiling Water

Slice your tofu into 1/2 inch pieces (you should get about six) and then press lightly to remove the moisture. Fry once on each side until golden and then place into boiling water until you most of the oil leave the aburaage and it looks "soggy" and has no true crispness. Place into ice water, press onto a towel to remove the moisture and then gently cut a little pocket into it, using your finger to make sure that it has room. Then place into a combination (amounts of your own choice) of the rest of the ingredients with some fresh water. Boil your tofu in the broth and allow the pouches to totally soak up all of the cooking liquid, then lightly pat on some paper towels (not to remove all of the moisture) fill with your preferred fillings and enjoy!


  1. かわいい~ so cute! it looks so lively and colorful! and I bet it was delucious too!! love all the veggies! (^O^☆♪

    1. Thanks ねこちゃん (not using romaji for this one ^.~)! It was!

  2. You are so creative!!! Very cute Empress. :-)

    1. Thanks Nami - I thought of your chirashizushi a bit for this! ^^


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