Monday, January 30, 2012

I've Won The "Liebster Award"!

Yesterday I was given one of the greatest gifts ever by a fellow blogger, Marina of the CowboyCountryVegetarian. That gift was the Liebster Award and is only given to those who have less than 200 followers on their blog as a way to encourage them and to sort of say "You have a great blog!". Not only does this tell me that I'm doing a good job (so far) with my blog - it makes me especially happy and honored to receive an amazing award for it!

There are some rules that you have to follow as a receiver of this award:

1. Acknowledge (comment) the blogger, that awarded you and link back to person's blog.
2. Nominate five blogs and let them know by leaving comments on their blogs.
3. Copy and paste award on your blog.
4. Enjoy this moment and spread the happiness around.

My Nominees:
Bread Without Butter
Peng's Kitchen

You all have amazing blogs that really stick out in the crowd! ^^ Ever since I've joined the "blogging community", you and many others have been my inspiration and motivation to keep blogging! You'll all be receiving notifications about this on your comment sections soon!


  1. I am glad you enjoyed it. Happy blogging!

  2. Congrats on your award. Wishing you lots of new and wonderful posts.

  3. Thank you and you're welcome, Tiffany! ^^ I'm very happy to see this from you!

  4. Congrats on this well-deserved award!! Honored by your nomination--thanks SO much! Here's to sharing more bento inspirations in 2012!!

    1. Thanks and welcome! ^^ Cheers to great bento inspirations for this year and many more to come!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! Great job with your blog!


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